repair person opening ac duct

How to Run a HVAC Duct in a 2×4 Wall

Everyone wants an effective HVAC system, but not everyone has a ton of extra room to install one. Window air conditioners and standing air conditioners can be bulky and annoying. Old-school radiators make strange noises, take up space, and can even be dangerous for children. If you have a 2×4 wall cavity, then you have […]

Close up of desktop air purifier and aroma oil diffuser on desk at home

The Best Desktop Air Purifiers for Your Workspace

A desktop air purifier might seem like just a nice-to-have little gadget. Sort of like your novelty mug, or a desk toy given to you by your Secret Santa. That is, until you consider this—you may spend around 90,000 hours of your life there! If that makes you wonder just what you’re breathing in, you’re […]