Patrick Holmes

Patrick Holmes

Senior Air Quality & Comfort Specialist


Patrick Holmes is the Senior Air Quality & Comfort Specialist at Home Air Guides. In this role, he conducts research and analysis on air purifiers, air conditioners, and space heaters in order to provide expert recommendations for people who are seeking to improve their indoor air quality and comfort.

Using his 15 years of technical expertise in air purification, heating, and cooling, Patrick is able to offer the most cost-effective solutions for a variety of environmental issues so that people can enjoy a healthy and more comfortable life indoors.

Patrick plays a vital role in the company by advising people on how to remove airborne contaminants from their homes and offices as well as educating the public on the various methods for how to improve the temperature and comfort indoors with air conditioning and heating units.

When Patrick is not hard at work, he enjoys reading, spending time with his family, and playing with his two dogs.

Articles by Patrick

Air Purifiers

Air Conditioners

Space Heaters